At Cardiff Volleyball Club we are committed in maintaining the safety of our young players. We have a Safeguarding & Protecting Young People in Volleyball Policy, which you can check below:
Safeguarding & Protecting Young People in Volleyball Policy
1. General Principles
- A young person’s welfare is paramount.
- A young person, regardless of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, social status or sexual orientation has a right to be protected from abuse.
- The rights, dignity and worth of a young person should always be respected.
- Deaf and disabled young people have an increased vulnerability and are up to four times more likely to be abused than other young people (Sullivan & Knutson 2000). It is essential to be additionally aware of their safeguarding needs and there may be situations where there is a need to take extra measures.
- Cardiff Volleyball Club (CVC) and Volleyball Wales promote a culture where everyone is free to speak out regarding concerns; everyone within volleyball must report all concerns in accordance with Volleyball Wales’ reporting procedures.
- It is the responsibility of child protection experts to determine whether or not abuse has taken place, but it is everyone’s responsibility within volleyball to report concerns.
2. Responsibilities of those within Volleyball
CVC is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all young people involved in volleyball. It accepts a responsibility to help safeguard the welfare of young people and protect them from harm.
Everyone within volleyball must act in accordance with the general principles set out in this policy and the principles set out in the following policies:
- Use of Disclosure and Barring Service Policy
- Photographic and Recorded Images Policy
- Electronic communication and Social Media Policy
- Anti-bullying Policy
- CVC reporting procedures where there are concerns relating to the safety or welfare of young people.
3. Guidance and Legislation
The Children Act 2004 (which built upon the Children Act 1989) states that anyone who is involved in the care of young people should “do what is reasonable, in the circumstances, for the purpose of safeguarding or promoting the child’s welfare”. This legal obligation is underpinned by the HM Government Guidance “Working Together to Safeguard Children” (2013) which sets out how organisations and individuals should work together. Everyone in volleyball has a duty of care to safeguard and protect young people within the sport. The Safeguarding and Protecting Young People Policy applies to all individuals involved, whether paid or in a voluntary capacity, and clearly defines responsibility.
4. Safeguarding Officers
The implementation of the Policy and Good Practice Guidance requires increased awareness and active involvement from all those involved in working with young people. Volleyball England has identified Safeguarding Officers as key individuals in leading this process at national, regional and club level.
If any issues should arise please contact CVC’s safeguarding officer Becky Nicholls on or on 07581402642.
5. Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Policy
The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 has introduced new safeguarding and vetting requirements affecting individuals who have contact with young people. The DBS allows Volleyball England and affiliated groups to make informed recruitment decisions. Any individuals wishing to work with young people in volleyball are subject to an enhanced DBS check and/or barred list check (where eligible).
All CVC coaches undertake enhanced DBS checks to ensure the safety of all our members and suitability to work with under 18’s.
6. Photographic & Recorded Images Policy
The use of photographs and recorded images can be extremely useful for positively celebrating the success of young people in volleyball and assisting with training. CVC does not wish to prevent parents, spectators or coaches being able to take legitimate photographs or recorded images. However, CVC is committed to protecting young people from the inappropriate or uninformed use of their image in resources, media publications, on the internet and elsewhere.
Photos and videos will only be taken by club members who have the written consent of a parent or guardian (detailed on CVC enrolment from). Photographic and recorded images will only be published online and on social media with the consent of parents or guardians (also detailed on CVC enrolment form).
Images will reflect the positive aspects of volleyball such as, competition, fair play, and fun. Care will be taken to ensure that images are not sexual or exploitive in nature, nor open to obvious misinterpretation and misuse. All images of young people will be securely stored to avoid misuse and when published, particular care will be taken to ensure that no identifying details facilitate contact with a young person.
7. Electronic Communication & Social Media Policy
CVC does not wish to prevent communication between adults and young people and understands that communication is important in a young person’s development and membership of a team, club or organisation. However, to ensure safety the following statements must be followed:
- All electronic communication between adults and under 18’s members must include a copy to a third-party e.g. the safeguarding officer and/or a parent.
- Group messages with under 18’s members are permitted as long as the safeguarding officer is included, and the consent has been given from parents or guardians (see enrolment form).
- All contact between adults and under 18’s will be strictly limited to volleyball matters only.
8. Anti-Bullying Policy
CVC is committed to the prevention and effective management of bullying behaviour relating to young people in volleyball.
We will:
- Respond appropriately and effectively to incidents of bullying.
- Listen and respond to young people’s concerns and take appropriate action.
- Take parents’/carers’ concerns seriously and respond effectively.
- Ensure all staff and volunteers are suitably trained to deal with any incidents.
To achieve this, we will:
- Ensure that a young-person-centred environment is created during activities.
- Emphasise the positive social values of participation, sharing, helping and encouraging.
- Promote justice and equality in all activities.
- Establish clear ground rules/boundaries for activities.
- Ensure that all staff, coaches, volunteers and officials are offered appropriate training on behaviour management and bullying awareness.
- Work towards continuously improving the quality of activities.
We will encourage our staff, coaches, volunteers, and officials to be vigilant and observant always. If incidents of bullying are witnessed, our staff, coaches, volunteers, and officials will respond by following the procedures set out in the Volleyball Wales Safeguarding & Protecting Young People Policy.
9. CVC Reporting Procedures
Any incidents of bullying should be reported to the Club or Regional Safeguarding Officer who will record the details using the Volleyball Wales Safeguarding Incident Reporting Form (SIRF) and follow the Volleyball Wales reporting procedure. If the incident is an adult bullying a young person, the Club or Regional Safeguarding Officer will report the incident to the Lead Safeguarding Officer who will make a decision on the method and process for managing the incident and manage the situation with the support of the relevant Club or Regional Safeguarding Officer as appropriate. All reported incidents of bullying behaviour, or threats of bullying, will be investigated and efforts made to stop the bullying quickly.
Once reported the following actions may be taken;
- Parents/carers will be informed and may be asked to come to a meeting to discuss the problem
- If necessary and appropriate, the Police or Children’s Social Care may be consulted.
- An attempt will be made to change the bullying behaviour. If the situation is not or cannot be resolved through mediation, training or mentoring, the Lead Safeguarding Officer may manage the incident following the Volleyball Wakes Disciplinary Procedure.